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          歐司朗鹵素燈泡,64156 24V70W H3火花機燈泡 機床燈泡
          產(chǎn)品型號:64156 24V70W H3

          歐司朗鹵素燈泡,64156 24V70W H3火花機燈泡 機床燈泡 除作為汽車燈泡使用外,也適用于:火花機,機床照明,無影燈,牙科綜合**臺,工業(yè)儀器,醫(yī)用設(shè)備等

          歐司朗鹵素燈泡,64156 24V70W H3火花機燈泡 機床燈泡
          Customers throughout the world place theirtrust in the performance of OSRAM ORIGINAL LINE 24V lamps. In contrastto other products, they combine absolutely teliable quality with a fairprice. The performance of inferior-quality lamps decreases over time,jeopardizing the safety of the driver, possibly without the driver beingaware of this. OSRAM ORIGINAL LINE 24V lamps continue to provide safelight throughout their lives, making them a balnced and economicalsolution for all standard reqirements in teh 24V sector.

          Certificates & Standards
          ECE category
          Base (standard designation)
          Product weight
          6,500 g
          Nominal voltage (product)
          24 V
          Nominal wattage (product)
          70 W
          42 mm
          Luminous flux
          1750 lm
          Color temperature
          3200 K
          Ambient temperature range
          -30…+50 °C


          粵公網(wǎng)安備 44030602001497號

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